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Three tone sunburst. We'll
remember July 2007 as the month when we found one of the greatest
instruments in the whole story of Real Vintage. Two-piece alder body dated May '58. Original and untouched finish: early months of the three tone burst. Like the other '58 we have had a few years ago, it is a "real" three tone with an unfaded red, unlike many other guitars of the period. Quite clean top with normal amount of dings and wear, some edge wear and some checking. The back is much less clean, with a large area where the belt-buckle has worn the finish to the wood. The body has the three 'clamping holes' used for the finishing process, which we have shown in three detailed pictures The maple neck dated June '58 has a much modern and thinner shape if compared to the 57 V-neck, but it is still full and rounded, a real joy to play. The fretboard still has its original frets, which are in good and fully playable condition. Both fretboard and back of the neck show a lot of checking, which creates a fantastic visual effect and gives the thrill that only a '50s Stratocaster can give. The fretboard shows heavy wear in the first positions and in its end towards the body, but is very, very easy to play. The back of the neck has normal wear, not too heavy though. The Spaghetti logo is original and in quite good condition, with some parts gone, but readable and clean enough. The tuners are the original Kluson Deluxe single-lines with D-169400 patent number. The high-E is an original, earlier patent "no-line" Kluson from the '51-'56 period. It is our opinion that it wasn't part of the original set but was installed later to replace a broken single-line (as it often happened to high-E Klusons). And even though it is a very rare and precious tuner, we have located an original single-line high-E, so we'll be able to offer this guitar with 100% original parts. During its first half-century of life, the tuners were replaced at some point with a different set, but the headstock's original shaft-holes haven't been enlarged at all, so the guitar still has its original and perfectly fitting Kluson bushings. The only traces are the filled and touched-up screw holes which we discovered only after taking the tuners off. Actually, these holes are almost invisible unless the tuners are removed, since they are placed on the line that separates each Kluson from the other one. But, visible or not, we have tried to document this detail to the best of our abilities in a few close-up pictures, and that's why you'll find no less than seven pictures dedicated to the tuners alone. Electronics are all original: three black-bottom pickups with original rubber spacers, three way selector switch, paper capacitor, three original Stackpole pots dated June '57, wires, jack socket with Switchcraft brand. Original solder-joints. The body cavities have been sprayed with a shielding coating which has been carefully removed without damage to the original finish; however, some of this shielding product can still be seen, especially in the control cavity: it can be removed also, if you are patient enough. A few traces of this grey shielding product are visible on the electric wires, next to the wood channel entries, and that confirms that this operation was done without removing the pickguard and dissoldering any wire. All original plastic parts, pickup covers, single-layer pickguard and knobs. Original bridge and "pat pend" saddles. The guitar comes with its original back cover and vibrato arm. It is a very light instrument, in fully functional conditions and with an exceptional sound! Original tweed hardshell case, worn but not beat-up: all latches and hinges are original and working, the handle is worn but solid and original as well; the case pocket inside still has its leather handle. front - front2 - in case - body1 - body2 - body3 - back - body back - body date - headstock - logo - knobs - bridge - saddles - circuitry - pickup1 - pickup2 - pickup3 - pickups 1 - pickups 2 - nail1 - nail2 - nail3 - body cavity1 - body cavity2 - neck1 - neck2 - neck3 - neck4 - neck5 - selector - pots1 - pots2 - pots2 - neck date - neck pocket - neck plate - tuners1 - tuners2 - tuners3 - tuners4 - tuners5 - tuners6 - tuners7 - jack - springs - wear1 - wear2 - checking1 - checking2 - case - case2 - case3 |